Friday, 7 December 2012

Day 2 (25 Oct): Lavender Cottage at Shinshe

Our 2nd day started off with our driver Uncle Chen, whom we got to meet him randomly along the street. He charged us NTD2000 which i think still alright since the shuttle bus to Xin She was fully booked and it's more convenient.
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Our first stop: The very local cafe for our breakfast. It was damn cheap. The most expensive food in the menu was the scramble egg with onion, which only cost NTD20!!! and the Meat Bun cost only NTD13! Goodness! Actually all the foods here are so tasty! Freshly made and brewed 米浆 and 豆浆 at NTD10. FAT just cant resist buying extras to eat only the way!!!
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Our 2nd stop was the Sinshe Summit Resort 新社庄园. Actually there is nothing much here. The place is very huge but their maintenance wasn't that good, as i could see algae growing alongside the pond and rocks, and spiderweb almost every corner and the water was so murky! I'm not sure if there is a season to visit, but i will not recommend this a place to visit. I would rather skip this and spend more time elsewhere. And this place need entrance ticket! NTD250 per adult, but in return they gave you food voucher worth NTD250. So still alright. Just that they want you to spend in their restaurant.
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Actually NTD250 cant buy much except for a drink.... We were given 1hr to explore the whole place, but we completed within 25mins, and spent the remaining time at the restaurant drinking.
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Next, our 3rd stop: The Mushroom Hut. Erm... actually this was not the mushroom hut that i saw in the web, anyway it doesnt matter since i don't really fancy mushroom nor interested in plucking. But still we spent quite a lot here buying the dried mushroom. Not too bad, it was nice afterall.
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While we were on our way to our next destination 安妮公主花園, we drove passed this 百菇莊! LOL! The one that i found on the internet. So we dropped by here and take a long. Surprisingly, we spent more than an hour here!! haha... This mushroom hut is much bigger and it has more foods and souvenirs as well.

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It just all about mushroom....... Honestly it was quite nice although i don't really like mushroom.
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FUN TIME!! Spend some time and paint your very own mushroom! It's only NTD100!
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We were quite behind time as we spent quite some time at both the 百菇莊! hahaha...
Our next 4th destination was 薰衣草森林 (Lavender Cottage).
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This is what you get to see when it's not in the season. LOL. Typically the lavender season starts around November.... Well, this is better than none! haha!! Anyway, there are more to see other than the lavender la... i guess is more of photo taking.. lol.
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They have a souvenir shop where you can buy the lavender soap, biscuit, sweets, tea, hand lotion, moisturizer etc etc... just all about Lavender.
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We went into the lavender hut...
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and when we got nothing to do.....
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Of course, never forget to try their famous lavender ice-cream! They are located up the slope!!
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And if you go further up, you will find a 'stairway to make a wish' LOL!!!
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Back to the ground we found this, DIY soap! It only cost NTD200 to make the soap of your choice! How much it cost in SG?! Definitely more than that. So we decided to make one! Just for FUN! hahaha!! It was just like cooking class... so easy to make! All you need is the soap base, dye, and the fragrance (of coz we chose Lavender la). Melt the soap base and add all ingredients into the melted soap base, and pour into the mould... and tadaaaa~~~ We got our hand-made lavender soap! LOL!!
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As we need to wait for about 1hr for the soap to get solidify, so we decided to try their lavender milk shake and waffle! LOL! Never tried before. Soooo.... yes we eat again. The waffle was nice!! Very crispy and it has a tinge of lavender taste. Very creative. Can TRY!
BUT not for the Lavender MilkShake! It just taste WEIRD!!!
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And now, we are really so late, and Uncle Chen gonna knock off soon!! So our next destination was the 安妮公主花園. Nothing much and special except for phototaking! Haiz... and again this place need entrance fee, just like the summit resort, they gave us food voucher! YES WE ARE ALWAYS EATING!!! Practically, we tried all the food at different destination!! :(
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This place is actually about Princess Annie and Prince got together on 10-10-2010!! Well... coincidentally, our 'get-together' date was 10-10-10 as well..... Soon.... We took a very funny and fictitious pictures.... LOL!
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Yes, here is our last meal (we thought) at Annie Princess Cafe.... That was the egg pudding, taste not too bad la... BUT we are just very full!!!
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Because Uncle Chen has to knock off, we cant visit the Carton King, but actually it was fine, because we found a lot franchise shop in Taichung and Taipei anyway... BUT something you cant just missed was this 東東芋園 that the bloggers are raving for. Erm... even we are VERY VERY FULL!! We still cant resist and bought some back to try. Erm... not too bad, just very chewy.. Can try...
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Sooooo... after the busy whole afternoon for Day 2, we really enjoyed ourselves and really seen alot and of course we ate alot alot and he has just become a FAT BEAR!
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to be continue at Day 3 (26 Oct): Sun Moon Lake & Aboriginal Village/Theme Park

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